For me, stylized violence will always be more disturbing - for some reason it’s easier for me to watch a brutal fist fight than it is to watch people in matching tracksuits get mowed down by a computerized machine gun.
In contrast, Squid Game is also dark, and maybe even more dire, but because of its setting, it’s more stylized than realistic. is bleak and realistic in its storytelling, and even in the way it handles violence. Of course, there’s very little to compare, and maybe it’s the contrast that says the most.ĭ.P. Since the release of Squid Game so closely follows Netflix’s previous original, D.P, it’s an almost automatic reaction to want to compare the two. Note: This is a first episode review only. With pitch perfect production, a great cast, and an elaborate kill game for its plot, Squid Game makes for an edge-of-your-seat watch that’s as disturbing as you might expect.
Netflix is showing no signs of slowing down in the Korean entertainment space, and their next offering is the 9-episode drama Squid Game. 49 SeptemOctoSquid Game: Episode 1 (Review) by missvictrix