However, tending outdoor plants in The Sims 2 involves more than watering flowers. He or she will check on money trees, but otherwise will only care for outdoor plants, as ordinary indoor plants in The Sims 2 don't need to be watered or tended.
The gardener may not charge if no plants need tending, but will quit if there are no plants to tend. In The Sims 2, the gardener will come three times a week, and charges 5 simoleons per visit plus 10 simoleons per hour. If Unleashed is installed, the gardener will fill holes dug by dogs. She will leave if she encounters a plant she can't get to, or if her route is blocked for too long. If she arrives and finds that there is nothing for her to do, she will charge for one hour. In The Sims, the gardener will come every three days, will care for both indoor and outdoor plants, and charges 10 simoleons per hour. Gardener Gloria watering flowers in The Sims